To see the order of the places visited see our Trip Stats page
Dec 2013
Home in Revy! After an absolutely incredible trip we are now home and happy to be here. Thanks for following us on our journey we look foreword to seeing you soon.
Oct 24
Back in N America but far from done....
After a very long but rather enjoyable 15-hour flight from Hong Kong to Toronto, then on to New York City, we are now here in the Big Apple! It was good to be in Canada for the couple of hours during our stopover and was absolutely incredible to see how clear the air was in Toronto after being in smog-chocked Hong Kong.
A huge thank you to our friends the Pitts, Canadians living in Hong Kong for their generous and warm hospitality. It was so fantastic to be with them and have a sense of home after the earthquake and 5 and a half months on the road. A fabulous family who we made a deep connection with. Thank you Pitts family.
Oct 16
Safe and Sound
We are in the Philippines and were on Bohol Island, the epicenter of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit us this morning. We are ok. Thank you for your wishes and offers of assistance. We will write more soon, but for now we are fine. Lots of love
Sep 5, 2013
13 years ago, Trace and I spent a week on the Perhentian Islands and absolutely loved it. So much so that we have told the kids about these islands many times over the past few years and more so lately prior to and during this trip. Although we were a bit nervous to come back 13 years ago with our kids who have been hearing how great the islands are from us for so long, we decided to come back and show them what we loved.
The area is certainly much more built up, and it is in some ways sad to see. However it is still good to be here. Only one day here and James has become best friends with half a dozen local kids, spending half their day in the water kayaking, swimming, snorkeling etc and half on the beach playing football, making messages in the bottle paper airplanes and more.
Sep 1, 2013
We are wrapping up our time in Borneo and are now in Kuching, Malaysia with only a few days left here before we fly to the Perhentian Islands, Malaysia. Since the last update, we spent a week in Mulu, National Park a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borneo has been a highlight of our trip and Mulu is the best of Borneo. The natural wonders of Mulu and the local people are simply incredible.
The website has been low on our priorities to date; however it is high time to update it and upload some of the images of our trip. We are doing that now and hope to have most of the images up by mid Sep.
For the latest photos see either:
Aug 13, 2013
On July 27 we flew from Bali to Kota Kinabalu, Borneo, Malaysia. After a few days enjoying the relative civility and order of KK compared to Indonesia, we flew to Sandakan on the N E end of Borneo to see the abundant wildlife of the tropical jungles. Since arriving we have seen orangutans, proboscis, silver leaf, and macaque monkeys, exotic birds, massive insects, snakes, monitor lizards, chameleons, crocodiles and more.
Although we have many wonderful stories to share and great photos to upload, we are having way too much fun to work on updating the website. Besides, the Internet connections here on Borneo are slower than the old dial up. Hopefully we will get some images and stories posted in the not too distant future!
July 18, 2013
Today we take a 40 min flight to Ende on Flores I then drive 2 hours to Moni in the foothills of Mt Kelimutu a volcano famous for it's three lakes that change colour. The waters around Komodo I and our time on Ari's boat have been the highlight of our trip to date. We hope to get some pics of it all up in the next ten days. In the meantime we are working with our slower than dial up connection to get some pics up of Paris and Cappadocia. It is a work in progress.
July 10, 2013
We are back in Labuan Bajo, Flores Island after an incredible time on the boat with our new best friend and Captain, Ari Surya. It was so great, we have booked another 4 days with him after some time to refresh and do some homework in town.
July 5, 2013
We are now on Flores Island about to set off for a 4 day 'cruise' on a small boat to visit amongst other things, the Komodo Dragons on Komodo Island.
I know I am not so good at updating this site, sorry. However it is much more fun to just travel and enjoy my time with the family. Hopefully I will get around to updating the site before we get home.
June 5, 2013
We are now in Ubud, a small town on the island of Bali in Indonesia. We finally have some time to relax, unwind and do some work on the website. Unfortunately, the Internet connection at our hotel is quite slow. Therefore the image galleries below are a bit of a work in progress. I will add more info around them as time permits and hopefully get caught up to date in the next week or so.
If you haven't already, check out Caitlin's new addition to our website; the adventures of Sox, the sock monkey.